Uwe Dettmar, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt

Important information for all participants: Please read before you register

Conference Fee:

GAPS members*

90 € employed **

45€ students


100€ employed**

50€ students

–  Conference Dinner   35 € (Friday, 27th May)

–  Conference lunch: 26th May (Thursday) is a public holiday in the state of Hessen and no lunch options whatsoever will be available in the university vicinity. We therefore strongly recommend our participants to purchase a lunch ticket at the time of registration (7€). We also recommend purchasing lunch tickets for the weekend, as the university canteens will be closed: May 28th Saturday, and May 29th Sunday. On 27th May (Friday), participants can purchase lunch at the university canteen (5-7€). Please note that lunch options outside of the campus are limited and pricy (ranging 10-15€ min.) and can take up to a 30-minute walk.

When you log into the Registration portal, you will have the option to pay either via Paypal or Bank Transfer. We strongly recommend participants from the Eurozone to use the Bank Transfer option.

–   Early bird & Late bird Fees: Early Bird registration rates (below) apply till 09 May 2022, after which a Late Bird fee of additional 20€ is applicable to all categories.

* all presenters, excluding invited speakers, are required to be GAPS members

**full-time faculty and employed postdocs